Om mig

Mitt foto
Askim, Göteborg, West coast, Sweden
I am a woman "in the flower of my age". My great hobby is making silver jewellery out of silver clay and sterling silver. Sometimes I sell some too, because I cannot use it all myself. Other interests are SEVEN gorgeous grandchildren - nine with my husband's two, gardening, books, kayaking, photo... I write this blog in English to keep up the language after my retirement. I was a teacher in English and French for 18 years (so I ought to have a blog in French too...) and assistant head at a school for 15 years. My second blog shows my handmade silver jewellery.

onsdag 21 april 2010


I made a heart for my five first grand-children. When number six arrived I had hoped for a very short name - like Bo or something - but his parents decided for Alexander! Problem! I made a pendant to the first heart - and there is room left for number seven, who is scheduled in august... N.b. the letters/types are very big and thus difficult to get nice and even - I don't reckon this among my masterpieces however... But I like to share the solution to the problem!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Ja du, längd på namn kan jag ju helt klart förstå. Jag har hela 12 bokstäver på mitt förnamn och 14 på efternamnet, tillsammans26 bokstäver..........det tar sin tid att skriva!!