Om mig

Mitt foto
Askim, Göteborg, West coast, Sweden
I am a woman "in the flower of my age". My great hobby is making silver jewellery out of silver clay and sterling silver. Sometimes I sell some too, because I cannot use it all myself. Other interests are SEVEN gorgeous grandchildren - nine with my husband's two, gardening, books, kayaking, photo... I write this blog in English to keep up the language after my retirement. I was a teacher in English and French for 18 years (so I ought to have a blog in French too...) and assistant head at a school for 15 years. My second blog shows my handmade silver jewellery.

onsdag 9 februari 2011

Sunny Hurghada - no chaos there.

I spent last week in Egypt with my husband, my daughter and her two babies, 2½ and 5 months and my husband's thirteen-year-old granddaughter. The demonstrations started the very day we landed. We were almost sent home two days after our arrival, but after having packed everything and waited for a long night and a long day, we were allowed to stay the week out. Hurghada was calm, and we only noticed that the other tourists were taken home. We stayed mostly in our hotel compound. All excursions were cancelled. I shared room with the the two babies and their mother - hm, not much sleep there...

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Åh så många vackra bilder. Det verkade lungt och fridfullt, så skönt. Lite oro fanns här skall du veta.
Nej inget armband, en kasserad basker var det denna gång!! (ler).....ha det

Lillemor sa...

Ja, vi hade det lugnt i Hurghada. Tursamt nog!Fast som jag nog skrivit på andra ställen, så var jag helt slut efter 7 dygn med småbarn. Håller på att piggna till men jag känner av det än...